Friday, July 9, 2010


The desire to write grows with writing. — Erasmus

I am officially half way through the first draft of my book. Earlier this week when I saw this landmark ahead of me, I imagined myself crossing it with great fanfare. I even dangled a carrot ahead of me, promising my husband dinner out if I finished this chapter. What I didn’t see coming is this: I’d rather stay home and write some more than go out. Writing is not a chore; it is a pleasure (mostly). It’s like when I was a kid playing with friends during the summer, and my mother calls me home to have dinner. I didn’t want to stop for dinner; I was having way too much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for you! Wanting to do what you want to do is an accomplishment in itself. Recognizing that makes it a very sweet reward. Most of the time.
