Thursday, February 4, 2010

More Six-Word Memoirs

He who cannot limit himself will never know how to write. - Nicholas Boileau

The hardest writing assignment I’ve ever had started with a 1000-word patient fact sheet that had to be reduced to a 250-word piece written for the 5th-grade level. It took me a long time to write that. I appreciate brevity, but do not seem to have a natural gift for it. Just ask my daughter - she says I leave the longest voicemail messages. She claims it is sufficient to say your name, followed by, call me back.

Six-Word Memoirs keep popping up all over the place (see or January 9 blog posting). These are fun. Here are a couple more I wrote:

Old diary. Pages of adolescent pain.

Used to drink. Now I smile.

1 comment:

  1. From Georgia:

    I can't imagine spending 10 minutes a day writing about my day. My days are pretty much summed up in a six-word memoir:

    Awoke. Ate. Worked. Ate. Chilled. Slept.
