Writing is utter solitude, the
descent into the cold abyss of oneself. ~ Franz Kafka
A writer I greatly admire is
surgeon Atul Gawande. He wrote an interesting article titled Personal Best for the New Yorker (October 3, 2011). Gawande
noted that top athletes and singers have coaches and wondered why other
professionals, such as surgeons, didn’t have coaches. Few of us will reach, let
alone sustain peak performance, so why don’t we get help?
I attend writing seminars and
read books about writing, but I don’t have a writing mentor or coach. My excuse
is that taking time to learn about writing takes time away from writing—an
excuse that is flimsy and ridiculous. I am open to having a coach, and although
I am not actively pursuing one, I bet one will drop into my life as soon as I
put the period at the end of this sentence. Do you have a coach, and if so,
care to recommend him or her?
Here is the interview with Gawande (This link will take you to the entire New Yorker article): http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/09/29/pm-the-benefits-of-having-a-career-coach/
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