Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Writing Axiom

"The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair." - Mary Heaton Vorse

After telling someone I was a writer, he asked, "Are you one of those annoyingly disciplined writers who gets up early and writes for hours every day?" I assured him that I am not. However, I would love to be. I strive for this more than just about any other goal I've aimed for. I have settled into a bit of a routine, and for the most part, I stick to it. I stumbled upon this by trial and error. It started like this: I kept telling people that I was writing a book. The problem was the talking and thinking about it began to exceed the reality of it. I felt like a fraud. The only way I could stop being a fraud was to actually write with more discipline. Strangely enough, the book grew. Thus I discovered another axiom of writing - when you write a lot, the words add up.


  1. Hey Lucinda,
    You've discovered one of the cool things about writing that I also discovered while writing my first book. "Just keep showing up!" If you sit down at the keyboard everyday for at least an hour or two, and write a page or two, eventually you'll have a finished manuscript!

    Keep up the good work! You WILL get there.

    That other Loucinda

  2. Hi Lucinda,

    Well, this is very interesting. I too will start a blog when I return from an up-coming vacation. So it is great to look at yours and to see what can be done. Good for you.

    Sincerely, Carol Judd
